A committed community

Kiwanis has been in Panama for more than 50 years and has become one of the most recognized social organizations in the country. Today there are 28 clubs throughout the territory, bringing together almost 500 members who fulfill their mission: to work with people and organizations to develop strategies and activities in order to improve the quality of life for all children and their families.

On February 25, a call was made to the Buenaventura community to open the Kiwanis Club. The initiative, led by resident Lanny Lowe, managed to bring together almost a dozen people interested in joining the organization. Eight people have already signed the admission application.

“We need a minimum of 15 people to get the club started,” said Lowe, who has been a member of the group for more than 10 years and saw the beach as an opportunity to expand the Kiwanis work area.

“Our work focuses on the community, especially children. The objective of this club is to be able to develop activities that allow us to take care of some of your needs. Not through donations, but with sustainable value-based programs,” she maintained.

And for this reason she cites international programs that he would like to implement in some schools in the area. There is, for example, ‘Reading Around the World’ that creates and reinforces the habit of reading in children, another is called ‘Upload Your Notes’; is designed for students to improve and maintain their grades and another called ‘Outstanding Children’, which promotes personality development, self-esteem and personal values.

The member and organizer of the Kiwanis Playas Club pointed out that “what we want is to sow the seed so that people in the future are kind and also want to give back to their community, always prioritizing the human and spiritual aspect, instead of the material values of life.”

If you are interested in being part of the initiative, you simply have to complete the registration application, have a vocation for service and time to participate in the meetings or scheduled activities. The monthly fee is estimated to be B./30 per month.

Mrs. Lanny is happy with this first response. She knows that little by little more people interested in committing themselves to the cause will begin to integrate, because as she comments, “in Kiwanis in general, one of the characteristics is that we are a family because we work together. This family goes far beyond the group, they are ties that are strengthened for the rest of life through helping others.”

If you are interested in participating in this activity, you can request more information from Mrs. Lanny at 6450-1094.


Todo esto hace de Buenaventura el destino perfecto


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