The Trusted Advisors Fishing Tournament, sponsored by Buenaventura, will be the first invitational organized by the Marina and will have a series of categories so that participants can enjoy a weekend of fishing and social events.
Mark this date on your calendar: September 30th and October 1st, 2022. The first tournament at the Marina promises to be a social and sporting experience and is open to any invited sport fishing boats that register and commit to following all tournament rules.
The following are the established categories:
- BEAKFISH: the fisherman who starts the fight must end it. The winner will be announced on Saturday, October 1st, according to the accumulated points for both days (Friday, September 30th and Saturday, October 1st, 2022)
- TUNA: this category rewards the largest Tuna in size and weight.
- DORADO: this category rewards the largest Dorado in size and weight.
- FUN FISH: (Children up to 13 years old): this category rewards any species such as bonito, horse mackerel, and needlefish, except for those that are within the other award-winning categories: Beakfish, Tuna, and Dorado. All children will be awarded for their participation.
- GRAND SLAM: To participate in this award you must register in advance before weighing in any category. You must comply with a minimum of five (5/6) species, with their minimum weights described in the table below.
Registration is open until September 16th. Each boat registered by September 14th has a cost of $400.00 and includes up to four (4) fishermen per boat. By September 16th the cost will be $500. In addition, each additional fisherman per boat pays $50.00 (max. 5 people).
The regulations will be sent by email and delivered in person on Wednesday, September 14th. Do not miss the opportunity to participate.
For more information, contact Emilio Lau at or at the cell phone (507) 65650709.